A 15% tax is taken on rental properties.
A 15% tax is taken on rental properties.
The average property tax ranges from 0.25% to 1% of the cadastral value and depends on the type of property, its location and options for its use. For foreigners who own property in the tourist area of Montenegro, an additional amount is added to the standard rate, which is 10−15% of this rate.
When buying real estate it is necessary to pay a tax of 3% to the budget of Montenegro. The exception is the purchase of the object from the developer — a legal entity. In this case the tax is not paid.
From January 1, 2024, the tax scale will become progressive. The tax rate will remain the same for properties worth up to €150,000. For a property worth between €150,000 and €500,000, a fixed tax of €4500 will have to be paid, as well as 5% of the amount above €150,000. For properties above €500,000 , the flat tax will be €22,000 and the rate on the excess will be 6%.